In their second season with GQ China, Pronounce has again managed a beautiful collection. As a newbie to the brand I was pleasantly surprised at the quality of the pieces - a plethora of textures including wools, leather, quilting and foils, played down the runway amidst a refreshing colour palette. The standouts were the pinks and greens - a much loved combo for me and this is where I have to congratulate the stylist, Gareth Spencer, on his clever storytelling throughout the show. A wearable collection was carefully constructed with traditional eastern tailoring techniques alongside western inspired design. Although this is not necessarily a fault of the team, the hair and make up was now (on the final day of LFWM's) an all too familiar scene of neutral faces alongside sleek hair. A gorgeous choice to compliment the collection but a little too samey for me. That being said it was overall an interesting show, with a thumping atmosphere and a collection that has definitely inspired me for new projects this year. A big congratulations to a new, fresh brand, I am excited to see what the rest of 2018 holds for them!
Pronounce by GQ China unveils its collection for the Fall/Winter 2018 during London Fashion Week Men's.
Photographer Edward Rivera