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Liam Hodges FW18 - LFWM

Alexis Negrín

Another amazing season for Hodges, this year taking a turn for a more fun inspiration! The infamous Noel's house parties Mr Blobby, we can only assume the subject matter was selected due to its footing in 90s Uk pop culture history. Nether the less, he’s taken the core of the inspiration and made a beauty yet playful AW18 collection. We see oversized hand painted stripes, eclectic polkadots adorning a mix of tailoring and sports wear silhouettes.

Regarding the hair and makeup, true to the show its self, the models have been #slimed, (which seems to be coming though, note Cottweiler’s gel’ed up models on day one) and sad Mr Blobby style faces painted across the boys faces, maybe the most forward thinking beauty concept of Hodges shows to date. All in all a great wearable collection made up of a full range of styles for most fashion conscious men today.

Liam Hodges unveils its collection for the Fall/Winter 2018 during London Fashion Week Men's.

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