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Alexis Negrín

Now that the temperatures are falling, people are starting to spend more time indoors. This can increase the risk of Covid-19 spreading. However, there are some steps you can take to help protect yourself and everyone around you.

Try To Avoid Crowds And Remain Socially Distanced

You need to make sure you are avoiding close contact, crowds, and anywhere that is closed in. This certainly becomes more difficult as the seasons change. When people talk, sing, shout, etc they release small respiratory droplets into the air. If they have the infection they can pass it on through your nose, eyes, and mouth, leading you to get infected too. Staying 6feet away is good, however, it’s best if you also use protection such as a mask or head tube/neck gaiter.

Wear A Face Mask

Face masks have been proven to help reduce the virus’s spread by stopping the droplets that people breathe out and filtering some of what they breathe in. They are even more important when in inadequately ventilated areas or cowed spots.

Try To Avoid Touching Your Eyes, Nose, And Mouth

Although you may do this without even thinking about it, it’s best if you try to avoid touching these areas. Your hands are used to touch numerous different surfaces where you could pick up the virus. Once they are contaminated, they can easily transfer the virus to your mouth, nose, or eyes, and lead to infection.

Wash Your Hands Often

Taking the simple step of washing your hands can be enough to reduce the spread of viruses. Thoroughly and regularly wash your hands with warm soapy water for at least 20 seconds. This will help to eliminate germs, including viruses. The colder months also bring more colds, so, when you feel the need to sneeze or cough make sure you catch, bin, kill it.

Keep Surfaces Clean

You need to make sure you regularly clean and disinfect the surfaces in your home. Especially the ones that are touched every day such as door handles, remote controls, phones screens, and faucets

Know The Symptoms

Until the is a proven vaccine that is among the wider population, this pandemic will remain a serious threat to the heath of the public. Therefore being able to recognize the symptoms is really important.

The most common symptoms include fever, new and persistent, dry cough, fatigue, and a loss of taste and smell. Some of these symptoms overlap with a common cold, however, it is certainly best for you to stay on the side of caution, get a test, and self-isolate. If you do need ot self-isolate you will need to make use of things like home delivery for food, and keep away from anyone in or out of your home. It may be worth putting a plan into place just in case you do need to self-isolate.

Remembering these tips and making sure you look after yourself and those around you will help you to be prepared and Covid-19 safe this winter.


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